Our journey in Argentine Tango continues as I return to the D.C. area on April 6th – 15th, 2019, I will be offering Private Lessons for singles, couples, a small group of 4 couples in DC area.
Dance like a milonguero from Buenos Aires!
Our Focus will be on walking, connecting, musicality, and dancing on the social dance floor in comfort. we will also explore the external vocabulary of tango, vals, milonga, and dancing it to the requirement of the social floor within the music. This would encourage your creativity in the dance without restrictions and will help you to become a universal dancer.
After so many years of dancing (since 1995) and years of teaching tango, (since 2003) I learned that almost all the figures could be danced in an embrace in a small or crowded spaces without interfering the flow of the dance floor and I will help you to achieve that!
I also teach the technique of stage dancing, performing, figures, nuevo style, and choreograph for the performers as well in Argentine tango, other Latin dances, and Ballroom.
Schedule, Location:
Washington D.C. area
April 7th – 14th, 2019 from 12-6 pm
Contact Shahin: 505-920-9987/ 575-779-0712 RSPV is required!
or email: ellatidodeltango@artsfe.com
Private 1-hour lesson: $80 for singles, $100 for couples to share a lesson ($50 each)
For all the participant: please bring your practice shoes. Ladies, please note: high heels are for the milonga, it is practical to have practice shoes to learn foot work!

Our Participants
Our wonderful milongueras and milongueros!!! Thank you everyone who joined us in the workshop. it was amazing to have you all together!
What an amazing group of dancers tonight at Farrah Javid and Arastou Pesian Javid’s lovely home. A wonderful group lesson and a great milonga. Thank you everyone for making the evening lovely and unforgettable!

Argentine Tango Workshop with Juan Contone

Argentine Tango Workshop
with Juan Contone, accompanied by Shahin Medghalchi
Enhance your Argentine tango experience! Dance universally with confidence and pleasure!
3-Day Workshop designed to improve basic knowledge, communication skills and musicality in Argentine tango and learn the social floor technique in this soulful and sensuous dance
• Friday June 23rd 4:30-6:30 pm all levels
• Saturday June 24th 2:00-4:00 pm, all levels, followed by a Milonga at
Las Puertas: 1512 1st St NW, Albuquerque, NM 87102
• Sunday June 25th 2:00-4:00 pm all levels, followed by a Guided Practica 4:30-6:00 pm
Recommended 3-Day Workshop to build up a curriculum
Cost: $90 for 3 workshops, $45 single classes, $15 Guided Practica.
Please sign up for the workshop by Friday, June 16th with Joey at Holiday Dance studio 505-508-4020/ 505-554-7673 to get a 10% discount.
Juan will be available for one hour private lesson $100 per lesson, 3 private lessons for $270. To schedule a private lesson in Santa Fe at the Tango House and in Albuquerque at the Holiday Dance Studio, please call Shahin at 505-920-9987.
For all the participants: Please bring your practice shoes. Ladies, please note: high heels are for the milonga. It is practical and recommended to have practice shoes to learn foot work!
Juan Cantone:
Since 1992 Juan Cantone began his development in traditional tango with renowned teachers such as Gloria and Eduardo Arquimbaund, Facundo and Kelly Posadas, Migo and Esther Pugliese, and Cacho Dante and Susana Miller, to later be introduced to the new generation of tango with instructors such as Gustavo Naveira and Giselle Anne, Gabriel Angio and Natalia Games, Eduardo Moyano, Graciela Gonzales, Chicho Frumboli, and Pablo Villarraza and Dana Frigoli, Julio Balmaceda and Corina de la Rosa. From 2000-2003 he was part of Tangueros Unidos, where he carried out together with Rodolfo Aguerrodi and Miho Omaki the investigation and development of an integrative teaching method of conceptualized movement in relation to tango dance. Other related disciplines which enriched his dancing were: contact improvisation in the Rojas Cultural Center; pilates, partenaire techniques, flamenco, theatrical dance, and yoga (Ashtanga and Iyengar techniques) with teachers Finn and Andrea Martinez, continuing his training with Popy Villanueva; and classical dance in the hands of Elena Doria Medina and with Luis Baldasarre.
In March of 2001, Juan Cantone and Sol Orozco, partner at time, under the auspices of Banco de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, created and developed the El Esquinazo Cultural Center. As Artisitic Director, and since its creation, Juan Cantone determines the general direction of the Cultural Center’s progress, offering the community a space for development and recreation through the different disciplines taught there. Due to his renown and artistic trajectory, he was selected to represent Buenos Aires as choreographer of the house dance corps for Worldwide Scout Jamboree X, Chile 2000. Also,For Pan-American Jamboree XII, he was invited once again to choreograph the dance corps, this time also in charge of coordinating the dance workshops for youths and adults. The event closed with a performance by Juan Cantone and at the time partner to an audience of 5000 in the city of San Rafael- Mendoza. Since 2006 up the date, he has toured Europe and North America, teaching workshops and seminars and performing in different venues, including International Tango Festivals in more than twenty cities around the world.
Shahin Medghalchi: is a well traveled Argentine tango dancer and teacher in North America, Europe, and Argentina. A sensational dancer and a skilled teacher, Shahin was trained by masters of tango from Buenos Aires through her travels since 1995. With Shahin’s unique method of teaching, and her undivided attention to your dance needs – fundamentals of tango through advanced vocabulary – she will help you achieve a sensible social floor dancing technique, elegance, musicality, and connection with your partner, as it was and still is danced at the salons/ milongas of Buenos Aires.
The Focus will be on walking, connecting, musicality, and dancing on the social dance floor in comfort. She will also help you to explore the external vocabulary of tango, vals, milongaand dancing it to the requirement of the social floor within the music. This would encourage your creativity in the dance without restrictions and will help you to become a universal dancer.
After 23 years of dancing and 14 years of teaching tango, she learned that almost all the figures could be danced in an embrace in a small or crowded spaces and she will help you to achieve that!
Shahin also teaches the techniques of stage dancing, performing, figures, nuevo style, and choreography for performers, as well as in Argentine Tango, other forms of Latin Dance, and Ballroom Dancing.
Argentine Tango Workshop in Albuquerque

Argentine Tango Workshop with Shahin Medghalchi
Enhance your Argentine tango experience! Dance universally with confidence and pleasure!
3-Day Workshop designed to improve basic knowledge, communication skills and musicality in Argentine tango. Learn about 4 principals in this soulful and sensuous dance
Friday May 26th 4:30-6:30 pm all levels
Saturday May 27th 2:00-4:00 pm all levels
Sunday May 28th 2:00-4:00 pm all levels, followed by a Milonga from 5:00-8:00 pm
Holiday Dance Studio, 5200 Eubank Blvd., Albuquerque, NM 87111
Recommended to attend all 3 days of this workshop to build up a curriculum that will continue on monthly basis.
Cost: $90 for 3 workshops and milonga included.
Register by May 24th and receive %10 discount. Milonga only $15
For all the participants: Please bring your practice shoes, and for the ladies, high heels are only for the milonga.

May 26th participants
Shahin Medghalchi is a well-traveled Argentine tango dancer and teacher in North America, Europe, and Argentina. A sensational dancer and a skilled teacher, Shahin was trained by masters of tango from Buenos Aires through her travels since 1995.
With Shahin’s unique method of teaching, and her undivided attention to your dance needs – fundamentals of tango through advanced vocabulary – she will help you achieve a sensible social floor dancing technique, elegance, musicality, and connection with your partner, as it was and still is danced at the salons/ milongas of Buenos Aires.
The Focus will be on walking, connecting, musicality, and dancing on the social dance floor in comfort. She will also help you to explore the external vocabulary of tango, vals, milonga and dancing it to the requirement of the social floor within the music. This would encourage your creativity in the dance without restrictions and will help you to become a universal dancer. After 23 years of dancing and 15 years of teaching tango, she learned that almost all the figures could be danced in an embrace in a small or crowded spaces and she will help you to achieve that! Shahin also teaches the technique of stage dancing, performing, figures, nuevo style, and choreography for performers, as well as in Argentine tango, other Latin forms, and Ballroom dance.

Our Journey in Argentine Tango Continues
as I return to the D.C. area November 11th – 19th, 2016
I will be offering Private Lessons for singles, couples, and small groups of 4 couples in DC area.
After 21 years of dancing and 13 years of teaching tango, I learned that almost all the figures could be danced in an embrace in a small or crowded spaces and I will help you to achieve that! I also teach the technique of stage dancing, performing, figures, nuevo style, and choreograph for the performers as well in Argentine tango, other Latin dances, and Ballroom dance.
Schedule, Location, and Cost:
D.C. Area: Classes will take place on Nov. 12th to 18th from 12-6pm at:
2452 A. South Walter Reed Drive, Arlington, VA 22206
To Register, please call 505-920-9987/ 575-779-0712
or email: ellatidodeltango@artsfe.com
Please bring your practice shoes.
Private 1-hour Lessons: $75 for singles, $90 for couples shared lesson ($45 each). Group classes for $20 per person.
Our journey in Argentine Tango continues as I return to the D.C. area on July 22nd – 29th, and Dallas, TX, Sept, 29th – Oct. 2nd.
I will be offering Private Lessons for singles, couples, a small group of 4 couples in DC. and large groups in Dallas.

Our Focus will be on walking, connecting, musicality, and dancing on the social dance floor in comfort. we will also explore the external vocabulary of tango, vals, milonga, and dancing it to the requirement of the social floor within the music. This would encourage your creativity in the dance without restrictions and will help you to become a universal dancer.
After 21 years of dancing and 13 years of teaching tango, I learned that almost all the figures could be danced in an embrace in a small or crowded spaces and I will help you to achieve that!
I also teach the technique of stage dancing, performing, figures, nuevo style, and choreograph for the performers as well in Argentine tango, other Latin dance styles, and Ballroom dancing.
DC AREA Schedule, Location, and Cost:
Classes will take place on Nov. 12th to 18th from 12-6pm at:
2452 A. South Walter Reed Drive, Arlington, VA 22206
To Register, please call 505-920-9987/ 575-779-0712
or email: ellatidodeltango@artsfe.com
On Saturday, July 23rd, I will be DJing at “MILONGA PORTEÑA” at Chevy Chase Ballroom, 9:00 pm – 2 am. Address (click for map)
5207 Wisconsin Ave NW #6, Washington, DC 20015 Phone: (202) 363-8344
DALLAS TX Schedule, Location, and Cost:
Sept. 29th – Oct. 2nd.
All classes will take place at PJ’s Dancetique Dance Studio
940 Belt Line Rd. Richardson, TX 75081
Address (click for map)
Please note: It is important to register early, for gender balance and space availability!
Private 1-hour Lessons: $75 for singles, $90 for couples shared lesson ($45 each). Group classes for $20 per person.
Please bring your practice shoes.
SFT Milonga and Class with Shahin Medghalchi
Date: Saturday, February 27, 2016
Time: 7:00- 8:30 PM ~ Class with Shahin on tango essentials and social floor technique.
8:30 to Midnight ~ Milonga
DJ: Shahin Medghalchi
Cost: Class ~ $5
Milonga ~ $5 members; $10 nonmembers
Location: Dance Station, 901 West Alameda St. (Solana Center, west side)
Music from Francisco Canaro (1920s) to Osvaldo Pugliese (1980s) ~ and a few tandas of Nuevo Tango

Our journey in Argentine Tango continues as I return to the D.C. area on Feb 1st – Feb 11th, 2016 continuing to Dallas, TX. Feb 11th- Feb 18th, 2016. I will be offering Private Lessons for singles, couples, and a group of 3 couples from Feb 2 through Feb 10th in DC. and Feb 12 through Feb 17th in Dallas, TX.
Our Focus will be on walking, connecting, musicality, and dancing on the social dance floor in comfort. we will also explore the external vocabulary of tango, vals, milonga, and dancing it to the requirement of the social floor within the music. This would encourage your creativity in the dance without restrictions.
After 21 years of dancing and 13 years of teaching tango, I learned that almost all the figures could be danced in an embrace and small or crowded spaces and I will help you to achieve that!
I teach the technique of stage dancing, performing, figures, nuevo style, and choreograph for the performers as well in Argentine tango, other Latin dances, and Ballroom.
Schedule, Location, and Cost:
Washington DC. area:
Location: 2452 A. South Walter Reed Drive, Arlington, VA 22206 https://goo.gl/maps/iAu2iiS47GL2
Tuesday, Feb., 2 12:00 – 6:00 pm
Wednesday, Feb., 3 12:00 – 6:00 pm
Thursday, Feb., 4 12:00 – 6:00 pm
Friday, Feb., 5 12:00– 6:00 pm
Saturday, Feb., 6 12:00 – 6:00 pm
Sunday, Feb., 7 12:00 – 6:00 pm
Monday, Feb., 8 12:00 – 6:00 pm
Tuesday, Feb., 9 12:00 – 6:00 pm
Wednesday, Feb., 10 12:00 – 6:00 pm
Schedule in Dallas:
Location: 6255 Mercedes, Dallas, TX 75214
Friday, Feb., 12 1:30- 7:30 pm
Saturday, Feb., 13 1:30 – 7:30 pm
Monday, Feb., 15 1:30 – 7:30 pm
Tuesday, Feb., 16 1:30 – 7:30 pm
Wednesday, Feb., 17 1:30 – 7:30 pm
To Register, please call 505-920-9987/ 575-779-0712
or email: ellatidodeltango @ artsfe.com
Private 1-hour Lessons:
$75 for singles, $90 for couples to share a lesson ($45 each), $180 for a group of 3 couples($30 per person)
Please register early and bring your practice shoes also!
Our journey in Argentine Tango continues as I return to the D.C. area on Nov 6th – Nov 15th, 2015. I offer Private Lessons for singles and couples from Nov 7 through Nov 14th .

Our Focus: Previously we worked on walking, connecting, musicality, and dancing towards the outer edge of the dance floor in comfort. we will continue to explore the external vocabulary of tango, vals and milonga, dancing it to the requirement of the social floor. This would encourage your creativity in the dance without restrictions. After 20 years of dancing and teaching tango, I learned that almost all the figures could be danced in an embrace and small spaces. I will help you to achieve that!
For dancing on the stage and shows, or Nuevo style, there are different techniques and choreography. If any of you want to perform in a showcase or on the stage, I would be happy to teach you stage dancing, Nuevo and choreographed figures, or any other Latin dances separately! I have many years experience in other Latin dance forms and Ballroom.
For more info and flier, click here.
Saturday, Nov., 7 12:00 – 6:00 pm
Sunday, Nov., 8 12:00 – 6:00 pm
Monday, Nov., 9 12:00 – 6:00 pm
Tuesday, Nov.,10 12:00 – 6:00 pm
Wednesday, Nov.,11 12:00 – 6:00 pm
Thursday, Nov.,12 12:00 – 6:00 pm
Friday, Nov.,13 12:00 – 6:00 pm
Saturday, Nov.,14 12:00 – 6:00 pm
Schedule, Cost, and Locations:
2452 A. South Walter Reed Drive, Arlington, VA 22206
Private 1-hour Lessons:
$75 for singles
$90 for couples to share a lesson, $180 for a group of 3 or 4 couples($30 per person)
Our journey in Argentine Tango continues on Oct. 13th, 2015.
I will be offering a workshop on Tango essentials and fundamentals on the evening of Oct. 13th, 6:00 – 8:00 pm, for all levels, at the Eastern New Mexico University at Portales, NM.
The Focus: will be on walking, connecting, musicality, and the social floor technique. Particularly dancing towards the outer edge of the dance floor in comfort. At a given time, we will explore the external vocabulary of tango, vals and milonga, and dancing it to the requirement of the social floor. This would encourage your creativity in the dance without restrictions. After 20 years of dancing and teaching tango, I learned that almost all the figures could be danced in an embrace and small spaces, as they are tools to move us around the dance floor within the music, and I will help you to achieve that!
For more info: ENMU workshope flier

Our journey in Argentine Tango continues as I travel to Dallas, TX on Sept 25th, 2015. I will be offering a workshop on Tango essentials and fundamentals on the evening of Sept 25th for all levels, and Private Lessons for singles and couples from Sept 26th through Sept 28th.
I will be DJing at the Milonga “El Abrazo” on Sunday Sept 27th, 2:00-6:00pm at The Tango Gallery, 18000 Preston Rd.,Dallas, TX. 75252
The Focus: will be on walking, connecting, musicality, and the social floor technique. Particularly dancing towards the outer edge of the dance floor in comfort. At a given time, we will explore the external vocabulary of tango, vals and milonga, and dancing it to the requirement of the social floor. This would encourage your creativity in the dance without restrictions. After 20 years of dancing and teaching tango, I learned that almost all the figures could be danced in an embrace and small spaces, as they are tools to move us around the dance floor within the music, and I will help you to achieve that!
For more info: Dallas tango classes Sept 25-28
Location for private lessons and the workshop:
The Tango Gallery, 18000 Preston Rd, Dallas, TX 75252
Private 1-hour Lessons:
$75 for singles
$90 for couples to share a lesson,
$30 for the workshop & guided practica on Sept 25th
Workshop: 7:30-9:00pm followed by a Guided Practica 9:00-10:00 pm
Please bring your practice shoes!
“The Tango House of Santa Fe” has been selected for the 2015 Best of Santa Fe Awards for Dance Instruction.
Our journey in Argentine Tango continues as I return to the D.C. area on Aug 26th – Sept 6th, 2015.
I will be offering Private Lessons for singles and couples from Aug 27 through Sept 5th
Our Focus: Previously we worked on walking, connecting, musicality, and dancing towards the outer edge of the dance floor in comfort. we will continue to explore the external vocabulary of tango, vals and milonga, dancing it to the requirement of the social floor. This would encourage your creativity in the dance without restrictions. After 20 years of dancing and teaching tango, I learned that almost all the figures could be danced in an embrace and small spaces. I will help you to achieve that!
For dancing on the stage and shows, or Nuevo style, there are different techniques and choreography. If any of you want to perform in a showcase or on the stage, I would be happy to teach you stage dancing, Nuevo and choreographed figures, or any other Latin dances separately! I have many years experience in other Latin dance forms and Ballroom.
Here is the schedule
Thursday, Aug., 27 12:00 – 6:00 pm
Friday, Aug., 28 12:00 – 6:00 pm
Saturday, Aug., 29 12:00 – 6:00 pm
Sunday, Aug., 30 12:00 – 6:00 pm
Monday, Aug., 31 12:00 – 6:00 pm
Tuesday, Sep., 01 12:00 – 6:00 pm
Wednesday, Sep., 02 12:00 – 6:00 pm
Thursday, Sep., 03 12:00 – 6:00 pm
Friday, Sep., 04 12:00 – 6:00 pm
Schedule, Cost, and Locations:
2452 A. South Walter Reed Drive, Arlington, VA 22206
Private 1-hour Lessons:
$75 for singles
$90 for couples to share a lesson
Please bring your practice shoes!
“The Tango House of Santa Fe” has been selected for the 2015 Best of Santa Fe Awards for Dance Instruction.
Our journey in Argentine Tango continues as I return to the D.C. area on June 4th-11th, 2015. I offered Private Lessons and Groups Workshops from June 5th through 7th.
Our Focus: Previously we worked on walking, connecting, musicality, and dancing towards the outer edge of the dance floor in comfort. In the new workshop we will continue to explore the external vocabulary of tango, vals and milonga, dancing it to the requirement of the social floor. This will encourage your creativity in the dance without restrictions. After 20 years of dancing and teaching tango, I learned that almost all the figures could be danced in an embrace and small spaces. I will help you to achieve that!
For dancing on the stage and shows, or Nuevo style, there are different techniques and choreography. If any of you want to perform in a showcase or on the stage, I would be happy to teach you stage dancing, Nuevo and choreographed figures, or any other Latin dances separately! I have 30 years experience in other Latin dance forms and Ballroom.
Schedule, Cost, and Locations:
2452 A. South Walter Reed Drive, Arlington, VA 22206
Thursday, Jun., 4th 12:00 – 6:00 pm
Friday, Jun., 5th 12:00 – 6:00 pm 6:30- 7:45 pm group of 3 couples
Saturday, Jun., 6th 12:00 – 6:00 pm 6:30- 7:45 pm group of 3 couples
Sunday, Jun., 7th 12:00 – 6:00 pm 6:30- 7:45 pm group of 3 couples
Monday, Jun., 8th 12:00 – 6:00 pm
Tuesday, Jun., 9th 12:00 – 6:00 pm
Wednesday, Jun., 10th 12:00 – 6:00 pm
Thursday, Jun., 11th 12:00 – 6:00 pm
Private 1-hour Lessons:
$75 for singles
$90 for couples to share a lesson
Please bring your practice shoes!
Designed for 3 couples (space is limited, must reserve in advance!)
3-Day Workshop pre-registration recommended to keep the genders balanced. No drop ins!
Cost for 3-day Workshop, including Guided Practica: $65 per person. single class $30 per person
Location for private, group lessons and practica:
2452 A. South Walter Reed Drive, Arlington, VA 22206
Please note that it is important to schedule in advance (do not wait till the last moment) for your private lessons and registration for the 3-day workshopas well. It is essential for me to know ahead of time the quantity of students to schedule quality lessons!
To Register, please call 505-920-9987/ 575-779-0712
or email: ellatidodeltango @ artsfe.com
Our journey in Argentine Tango continues as I return to the D.C. area on March 17th, 2015. I offered Private Lessons and Groups Workshops from March 16th through 25th.
Our Focus: Previously we worked on walking, connecting, musicality, and dancing towards the outer edge of the dance floor in comfort. In the new workshop we will continue to explore the external vocabulary of tango, vals and milonga, dancing it to the requirement of the social floor. This will encourage your creativity in the dance without restrictions. After 20 years of dancing and teaching tango, I learned that almost all the figures could be danced in an embrace and small spaces. I will help you to achieve that!
For dancing on the stage and shows, or Nuevo style, there are different techniques and choreography. If any of you want to perform in a showcase or on the stage, I would be happy to teach you stage dancing, Nuevo and choreographed figures, or any other Latin dances separately! I have 30 years experience in other Latin dance forms and Ballroom.
Schedule, Cost, and Locations:
Tuesday, March 17th 12 noon – 4:30 pm
Wednesday, March 18th 11:00am – 1:00 pm
Thursday, March 19th 12 noon – 4:30 pm
Friday, March 20th 12 noon – 4:00 pm
Saturday, March 21st 12 noon – 4:30 pm
Sunday, March 22nd 12 noon – 4:30 pm
Monday, March 23rd 12 noon – 4:30 pm
Tuesday, March 24th 12 noon – 4:30 pm
Private 1-hour Lessons:
$70 for singles
$90 for couples to share a lesson
Please bring your practice shoes!
Designed for 3 couples (space is limited, must reserve in advance!)
3-Day Workshop pre-registration recommended to keep the genders balanced. No drop ins!
Friday, March 20th, 6:00 – 7:15 pm
Saturday, March 21st, 6:00 – 7:15 pm
Sunday, March 22nd, 6:00 – 7:15 pm, followed by 1-hour Guided Practica
Our Tango Journey continued in October
Our journey in Argentine Tango continues as I return to the D.C. area .
Our Focus: Previously we worked on walking, connecting, musicality, and dancing towards the outer edge of the dance floor in comfort. In the new workshop we will continue to explore the external vocabulary of tango like ganchos, voleos, ocho cortado, and dancing it to the requirement of the social floor. This will encourage your creativity in Tango without restrictions. After 20 years of dancing and teaching tango, I learned that almost all the figures could be danced in an embrace and small spaces. I will help you to achieve that!
For dancing on the stage and shows, or Nuevo style, there are different techniques and choreography. If any of you want to perform in a showcase or on the stage, I would be happy to teach you stage dancing, Nuevo and choreographed figures, or any other Latin dances separately! I have 30 years experience in other Latin dance forms and Ballroom.
Schedule, Cost, and Locations:
October 2014
Friday, Oct. 10th 12 noon -4:00 pm
Saturday, Oct. 11th 12 noon -4:00 pm
Sunday, Oct. 12th 12 noon -4:00 pm
Monday, Oct. 13th 12 noon -6:30 pm
Tuesday, Oct. 14th 11:30am-3:00 pm
Wednesday, Oct. 15th 12 noon -6:30 pm
Thursday, Oct. 16th 12 noon -6:30 pm
Friday, Oct. 17th 12 noon -4:00 pm
Private 1-hour Lessons:
$65 for singles
$90 for couples to share a lesson
2452 A. South Walter Reed Drive
Arlington, VA 22206
Please bring your practice shoes!
Designed for 10 couples (as last time, space is limited)
3-Day Workshop requires pre-registration to keep the genders balanced:
Friday, October 10th 6:30-8:00 pm
Saturday, October 11th 6:30-8:00 pm
Sunday, October 12th 6:30-8:00 pm, followed by 1-hour Guided Practica
Cost for 3-day Workshop, including Guided Practica: $60 per person.
Location: 8524 Thornden Terrace, Bethesda, MD 20817
Please note that it is important to schedule in advance (do not wait till the last moment) for your private lessons and registration for the 3-day workshop as well. It is essential for me to know a head of time the quantity of students to schedule quality lessons! No drop-ins will be permitted, as the space is limited.
To Register, please call 505-920-9987
or email: ellatidodeltango @ artsfe.com
Download the PDF version of flier.
Argentine Tango Workshop, Private Lessons, and Milonga
July 31 – August 10th, 2014
Washington D.C.
Our journey in Argentine Tango continues as I return to the D.C. area this summer. I will be arriving on the 29th of July and offering private classes and groups workshops between July 31st and August 10th, 2014.
Our Focus: Previously we worked on walking, connecting, musicality, and dancing the social floor in comfort. In the new workshop we will continue to explore the external vocabulary of tango and dancing it to the requirement of the social floor while enjoying the dance with creativity and without restriction.
After 20 years of dancing and teaching tango, I learned that almost all the figures could be danced in an embrace and I will help you to achieve that!
Argentine Tango Workshop, Private Lessons, and Milonga
April 25-28, 2014
Washington D.C.
In this workshop, and in private lessons, we will focus on walking, connecting, musicality, and dancing the social floor in comfort. In the new workshop we will continue to explore the external vocabulary of tango and dancing it to the requirement of the social floor while enjoying the dance with creativity and without restriction.
Click on the flier, right, for details.
Contact Shahin to register, and to schedule private lessons in the D.C. area.
February 21-25, 2014
Washington D.C.
Thank you to all the enthusiastic fellow dancers who participated in my recent Argentine Tango Workshop in Washington, D.C.. I’ll be returning on the 25th of April. Hope you’re able to join me again and continue to work on the foundations of Tango!

Dance etiquette, floor craft, posture, core connection to yourself and your partner, musicality and understanding different orchestras, change of directions, caminando, cruzada, ocho to left and right, giro y vuelta, ocho cortado, ocho adelante, mordida. All techniques are altered to complement the style that is danced in the tradition of milongueros from Buenos Aires, the original dancers of tango since the 1920’s.
Darien/Savannah, GA
Feb. 13, 2014
Click the image, left, to view flier with schedule, and registration information.
Or email: ellatidodeltango @ artsfe.com
Dallas, NYC, other cities in 2014 – details coming soon
Past Events
Washington D.C., Sept. 2013
Classes, couples workshop, milongas, and private lessons.